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guard room 1.衛兵室,警衛室。2.禁閉室。

guard ship

The sentry box of the activity fully use internal wall panel and one s own intensity of the roof boarding , through draw nail , bolt , connection nailed to make up finalize the design the prefab system . construction swift , being portable , especially suitable for urban municipal administration , entrance guard room , service department , etc 活動崗亭是通過充分利用夾芯墻板及屋面板的自身強度,通過拉釘螺栓自攻釘將鋼結構底座墻面夾芯板和屋面板連接組成的房屋系統。

Team 2 , guard room 第二組,目標門衛室!

The cctv and central guard room must also go operational today 監控電視和中心警衛室今天必須開始部屬